Lunch and Extended Care

Lunch and Extended Care is offered to all Normandale Preschool Families Monday through Friday. Once again families can sign up in two ways.

  • To sign up for Drop In lunch or extended care parents can use the designated bulletin board in the preschool hallway where a 2 week schedule is posted.


  • Parents may reserve their child’s spot in lunch or extended care on a permanent basis. This option is good for parents who know they must have a certain spot held for a month or more due to a specific work schedule or activity.
    If you sign up for a permanent spot charges will be added to your account monthly for the days and times held…even if your child is not in attendance.
    After the first month, you may cancel at any time. Forms for permanent lunch and extended care can be found in the preschool office.

Lunch and Extended Times and Prices

Bring a bag lunch and eat with your friends

Morning 3 hour classes may stay from 12:00-12:30 for lunch… fee $4.00
Morning 2.5 hour classes may stay from 11:30-12:15 for lunch… fee $7.00

Afternoon students may arrive early to school for lunch (11:45)
2.5 hour class lunch time is 11:30-12:15…fee $7
3 hour class lunch time is 11:45-12:15…fee $4

Extended Care*
Extended care hours are 12:30 to 3:00

Drop In Costs: $20.00 (based on $8 per hour)
Permanent Extended Care: $17.50 (based on $7 per hour)

*A discounted price is reflected for those using the Permanent Extended Care Option.